Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Soft Shell Crab Tacos

I decided to pull some frozen softs out of the freezer today. I dredged 'em up almost the way my mother remembers her mother doing it - with flour and that's it. I added corn meal and Old Bay to the dredging, then fried 'em up 2 minutes to a side in a buttered pan. Man, that's tasty food.

Since I had no white bread around - how Mom ate them when she was young, with either mayonnaise or mustard - I got innovative. Why not a warm corn tortilla with some sliced raw green onions?


Simple, quick, delicious.

...and after.


Dan said...

Interesting, I've never had soft shells this way. Jumbo Seafood over on Stevenson does a great deep fried soft shell crab.

John said...

But the key is you have to heat the tortilla up first. I throw mine on the burner for about 5 to 10 seconds on each side.