Saturday, November 01, 2008


Y'all, I'm sorry for all the non-food topics, but my mind has been on things other than food lately and I'm just happy to be back online and a-postin'.  But this video, from "Gen-WE", is kind of cool so I'm posting it anyway.

Okay, so I'm one, too. A post-boomer, that is. Technically Gen-X (anyone born after the Baby Boom, roughly between 1965 and 1981/1983). This also includes the "Millenials" (anyone born after Gen-X, between around 1981 and 2000). This video is at least a little self-congratulatory, I think. And it goes out of its way to blame all the problems of the world on all the Baby Boomers of America (they're not, of course). Still, it's kind of inspiring, as someone in his 30's, to see his generation starting to shine. I just hope we can get our act together - and that I can get all my student loans paid off!!!