Friday, September 07, 2007

Why do the O's hate me?

I gave up on the Oryuls a few seasons ago (not so this fella). Every frackin' season they just go from bad to worse! I honestly thought last season was truly the worst they could do. I don't think that anymore. Sadly, lamentably, dem O's are great at one and only one thing: sucking.

Now my yardstick for measuring a good season is how poorly the Yankees are doing. Like any good Bawlamoron, the worse the Yanks do, the happier I am. It's inversely proportional:

x = 1/y, where x = my happiness, and y = the Yankees' success

I really hate the Yankees.* Even more than I hate Peter Angelos, but that's de rigeur

for a Baltimorean. That's why I love to see them fail! (The Yankees, not the Orioles.)

But perhaps I should be more positive. I can keep my fingers crossed for the Ravens and the Blast. Our hope lies in Baltimore football in all its incarnations.

Anyway, at least the folks who clean up those $5 hot dog leavings have a sort of sweet new deal where they actually get paid a living wage. Not that it's very much. See, I worked the food angle in somewhere. Even if it's for an overpriced, $5 Esskay hot dog that doesn't even taste very good (at least not for the price).

* Apologies to Roopa, though I don't know if she prefers the Yanks, the Mets or neither. From what I hear, one may not like both.


Pigtown*Design said...

at this exact second, we're beating boston. of course, it could all come crashing down and we could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

John said...

I just checked the final score. I'm shocked - we actually didn't blow our lead! Nice.

roopa said...

Dude, I was born in Flushing, NY - home of the NY Mets. In addition to the that, I was raised the right way - as a Mets fan.

And, I, too, HATE the Yankees. HATE. (Though god help me, as my boyfriend is a Yankees fan, albeit a non-obnoxious one.)

So keep on hatin' on the Yanks - I'll be right there chiming in :)

Let's go Mets!

John said...

RK: You mean there are actually non-obnoxious Yankees fans? I truly had no idea! :)

Dan said...

A non-obnoxious Yankees fan? This sounds a bit like the elusive Sasquatch. Some say they've encountered it, but really, where is the proof? Then again, I'm a Phillies fan and I'm sure there aren't many nice things said about us!

John said...

Dan: The Phillies aren't our natural enemies, so I at least have no problem with 'em! I think they have a non-obnoxious Yankees fan on display at that new Ripley's Believe-It-Or-Not down in OC.