Monday, May 21, 2007

Here's something worth avoiding...

Ever wonder what American elk tastes like? Well, so do I. Even with my purchase today of "Hickory Smoked/Kippered" elk jerky that I bought for $2.95 at Outdoor World in Arundel Mills.

I think the brand name is "Premium Midwestern," but I'm not sure. It was forgettable at any rate. I thought elk would taste all different and interesting. But they hickory smoked and kippered the hell out of it, so it just tasted like your average boring-assed beef jerky. I'll pass on it the next time.


danielle said...

kippered??? i don't even know what that means.

Pigtown*Design said...


John said...

F: Why pass on it? Or why did they do this horrific thing?

D: Apparently, according to the Free Dictionary, it refers to the splitting, salting and smoking of fish. Why they did it to a large, hoofed mammal is beyond me because it didn't work.