Friday, November 24, 2006

I have just linked this blog up to another Baltimore-wide blog page - Blogtimore, on the advice of a poster. It's not linked yet but give it time...

Update - Yes, I must thank poster Malnurtured Snay for this info. I also am now up on Blogtimore. Thanks muchly, didn't mean the snub. I'm still new to this blog thing :) !


Anonymous said...

Man, not even a proper shot-out! :(

PS - you're listed on Blogtimore!

John said...

Thanks, and sorry for the non shout-out. I explain in my updated post. I'll be checking out these blogs!!!

Malnurtured Snay said...

Hah, I wasn't actually upset -- stupid text can't convey good-natured ribbing! Blogging is "teh" very addictive, ain't it?