Monday, February 22, 2010

Pombe Ya N'Dizi, 3rd Straining

I am supposed to strain that Tanzanian banana wine four times. Did it the third time last week, about a week and a half too late (thanks again, Snowpocalypse 2010).

But it's now thrice-strained! I'll strain it again in three weeks, weather permitting.


LoveFeast Table said...

Do you have the original recipe? I have friends moving back here from Tanzania next month...might be a fun gift to give them!

Nanc Twop said...

I'm impressed with your work on this - hope it ends up tasting better than it looks!

John said...

LFT: The recipe is in Dorinda Hafner's cookbook "A Taste of Africa" but the entire process takes AT LEAST 3 months. She recommends 6.

NT: I hope it tastes good, too. I'm really hoping it becomes clear - the photo in the cookbook gives me the impression that it's supposed to be clear at some point :\