Monday, February 16, 2009

Starbucks INSTANT?

Apparently, the falling Goliath that is Starbucks is kind of desperate in this new economy: they're introducing instant coffee. They say it'll taste the same. It's doubtful that I'll ever find out. I'm just not a Starbucks kind of guy since I can't stand coffee - especially when it carries as many calories and fat as a Whopper and costs as much as three of them. I only drink coffee once in a great while to stay awake (though it's nice to sip a cappuccino once in a while, which I still haven't done at Starbucks). So anyone out there who is obsessed by Starbucks: just let me know if the "instant Starbucks" thing works.


Nanc Twop said...

We go about once a month to Starbucks... so I'll look for signs about this next time we go.

But if you go, beware of the 'treats' there - recently noticed that their Valentine truffles (that were in little red boxes) came from CHINA. Ugh.