Monday, March 03, 2008

Obama picks up the Gray's Papaya vote

Again, not showing political preferences here, so don't ask me whom I'm voting for (but he or she had better use whom in the proper context - I'm just sayin'). But this funny news item, via The Atlantic's Matthew Yglesias, begs the question: does a hot dog restaurant's endorsement actually mean anything? Maybe to Barack Obama it does, if it's Gray's Papaya (who just endorsed him). Look for Clinton to try for that all-important pizza endorsement. McCain? Who knows?

BTW: ketchup on hot dogs is not abomination. it's wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. Yum.


Anonymous said...

Me, I like ketchup and bright yellow mustard on my hotdogs, and nothing else. It appalls my brother-in-law, who grew up eating brats, but... /shrugs/

On your peep photo -- have you seen the sugar free peeps? My mind boggles. I thought that marshmallow was all sugar. No?

John said...

I've heard of sugar-free marshmallows, but not sugar-free peeps. It is oxymoronic, like "taste-free flavor" or something along those lines.

Pigtown*Design said...


Malnurtured Snay said...

Pft. The only reason people use 'whom' anymore is because the grammar books say we have to. It's a word that, if not being kept alive by those texts, would've dropped out of common useage by now.

John said...

They don't use "whom"? I don't know whom you're talking about. Now that whole thing about never ending a sentence with a preposition - THAT is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard of. I regularly break it on purpose.

Oops, and it's "usage" hehehehehe...