Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Blog links...

Just a thanks and a shout out to all y'all who have linked from your site to here. Johnny Dollar, he of the delicious pie blog, has some information about that should-be-omnipresent leg lamp from my favorite holiday movie of all time (of any holiday) A Christmas Story. And Constant Sun's fa-vo-rite things - including cookies for your next presentation (mmm, chocolate chip cookies) - can be read on the "ultimatebestof" blogspot website.

Also one other note: I was reading the Amateur Gourmet recently, and he had linked to his 1,000th post from last year. He suggested any good food blog should incorporate photos. Far from me to say if this blog that y'all are reading now is good or not, but since mine is mostly about restaurants, not making my own food, I'd feel a little odd bringing my camera into the Helmand or Chiu's (Whole Foods' employees, though, probably wouldn't give a shit). But I will be doing some holiday cooking soon (sorry, Christmas-Hannukah-Kwanzaa-New Year's-Boxing Day cooking - wait, we don't celebrate Boxing Day in this country). And I would like to put up pix of what I make. So look for those soon.

One last note (Update of post): I am also linking to the blog of my very first (non-spam) commenter, MalnurturedSnay. Okay now, I'll be lookin' for a link to mine...


Anonymous said...

I'm feeling left out. True, you're not on my blogroll - yet - but that's because I'm coming into finals and am very very busy. I'll get you.

John said...

Oh no need to feel left out! I only got the idea to mention 'em when I saw I had been linked. Good luck with exams, BTW.

Lindsey said...

Hey thanks! I like hearing about new restaurants to check out and seeing how other people view some of my faves. That pumpkin appetizer at the Helmand? It's the main reason I moved to Mt. Vernon, yummm.

johnny dollar said...


Oliver Carding said...

I dont live in America so obviously cannot visit these restaurants but I do like your blog alot. Its a good read, and makes me laugh in points! Pop by and check out mine some time if you want to know about life on the other side of the pond.